"You're one of about 3,000 people who do exactly that every day - and that might not be a problem for Twitter if it actually owned the domain twitter.co.uk" - The Guardian more...
What are you doing?
But don't worry because thousands of people are doing
Friday, 1 May 2009
About twitter.co.uk
I registered this site in March 2005 - a full year earlier than the .com people began - to promote a piece of software I had developed to help blind people use computers. The name is an accronym - Talking Wordprocessor, Internet, Typing Tutor, Email Resource (the idea was to have an all-in-one programme for the basic tasks a blind person encountering a computer for the first time would require). I finished the product but only managed to sell a handful before my savings ran out and so I moved on to the next project. However, I kept the domain name because I had always hoped to return to the project and make a success of it ... and I also felt it was a great name!
The problem with Twitter.com
The problem I have with Twitter.com is that it accepts new subscribers without them having to confirm their email address (ie by clicking on a link in an email from Twitter.com). This means that anyone can create a new account and give a fake email address - either one that doesn't exist or one that belongs to someone else. (This seems odd to me - for if a person can create as many accounts as they wish, I don't see how Twitter.com are able to tell how many actual people use their service.)
Anyway, lately, quite a few people have, perhaps mistakenly, registered with Twitter.com and given out an email address with the domain name
@twitter.co.uk. I don't have a problem with the individuals concerned because mistakes happen, but as time goes on some of these members become more "popular" - and every time they get a new "follower", Twitter.com sends me an email to this effect.
So here's the bottom line: Twitter.com are sending me emails which I did not request or agree to receive (ie SPAM) and do not provide me with a means to "opt out" of receiving them. As I understand it, they are breaking both UK and US anti-spam laws. I have contacted Twitter.com to try to resolve the problem but they have not responded to any of my emails. (If anyone is interested in looking this up, they have given me Ticket #100140 but I haven't managed to communicate with a real person there yet.)
Let's be clear - I am blaming Twitter.com for allowing this to happen, not the individuals who have mistakenly typed in the wrong email address. Twitter.com are sending out the emails, they are responsible for the content of them and it is only Twitter.com who can fix the problem.
It is unfortunate that I do not have any means to contact the individuals concerned. The only way I can see would be to click the "forgot password" option and get Twitter.com to change it, but this could be misconstrued as an act of sabotage, as the individuals concerned would no longer be able to access their account.
This page gets quite a lot of traffic each day, so as well as letting people know about the problem with Twitter.com I'm using the opportunity to promote other websites and raise money for charity. There is a list of websites on the right-hand side of this page and you can advertise your business in this space in return for making a donation to one of the charity e'ents featured on this site. Here's how it works:-
New sites are always added to the top of the list, which is rotated and the site at the bottom of the list is discarded. However, every time you make a donation to one of the charity events listed I will move your website to the top of the list again - even if you haven't been in the list for a while and irrespective of the size of the donation.
If you are planning to do an event for charity and have a page for accepting donations online (such as "justgiving"), please let me know and I'll add you to the list. I'm also happy to promote a few blogs and personal websites in exactly the same manner (no donation required).
Frequently Asked Questions:
Update: 4 May 2009 - I have finally heard back from Twitter, within 4 hours of The Guardian publishing Twitter.co.uk - the tale of a forgotten domain. I am now hopeful that they may fix the problem described above.
Update: 5 May 2009 - Twitter.com have disabled automated emails being sent to my domain, so I guess that means the problem is solved! Not sure what to do with this site now ... but I'll think of something.
Update: 14 May 2009 - Twitter.com problem NOT fixed
Update: 17 September 2009
Twitter is the only social-networking site I know where you don't
have to supply a verified email address in order to subscribe.
Update: 6 March 2010
Update: 14 April 2010